It's not about laughing at the annoying things in life, it's about laughing with them

We can all think of awesome things that happen in life. But unfortunately, we seem to remember more vividly the not so awesome things. This is an experiment - to try and recall the not so awesome things that we have become all too familiar with, grumble while saying to yourself "Oh that totally happens to me like all the time! I hate when that happens!", and then laugh a little, because, in the end, it's just a not-so-awesome thing right? Let me know what you think, and feel free to add your not so awesome things as well! ENJOY
-Apple Jew

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Not So Awesome Thing #4 - The Spilled Milk

Courtesy of Jacob N., I give you, the Not So Awesome Thing #4: the case of the spilled milk.

So your having some cereal and you want to pour some milk into the bowl, but you accidentally spilled some off the side of the bowl. Not such a big deal. Or is it? You pick up the bowl to clean up the spilled milk and place to bowl down just inches away. Only now, there's a ring of spilled milk under location #2. When cleaning location #2, you move the bowl to location #3, STILL not realizing that "spilled milk disease" is slowly spreading to every area that you place your bowl. After 4 milk ring clean ups, you are beginning to suspect that a conspiracy is forming. Finally, you get smart and try to clean up spill location #7 WHILE holding the bowl of cereal+milk between your elbows when, suddenly, half of the milk pours out of your bowl.

no. so. awesome.

Thanks Jacob. What a great not awesome thing. 

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